// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   10 Jul 08  Brian Frank  Creation

using gfx

** SashPane lays out its children in a row or column with
** a sash control between each one to allow resizing.
@Serializable { collection = true }
class SashPane : Widget

  ** Default constructor.
  new make(|This|? f := null)
    if (f != null) f(this)

  ** Horizontal or veritical configuration.  Defaults
  ** to horizontal.  Must be set at construction time.
  const Orientation orientation := Orientation.horizontal

  ** Relative weights of each child as percentages.
  ** If null, then children are evenly divided.  The
  ** default is null.
  native Int[]? weights
