#2311 Local variable scope

SlimerDude Tue 8 Jul 2014

I thought I'd share this...

I wanted to re-use a local variable name (as I was dynamically generating code) and, thinking I'd be clever, I enclosed it in a code block (as you'd do in Java). What I wrote was similar to:

 class Whoops {
   Str thing := ""

   Void main() {
      thing += "wot"

      { // scope the local variables
         a := "-ever"
         thing += a

If you run this, all that is printed is wot!?? I was very confused as to why -ever was not being appended.

It turns out that my code block is actually a with it-block and I had written:

Void main() {
   thing += "wotsit".with {
      a := "-ever"
      thing += a

(still not sure where -ever went though.)

So I've now used a func instead:

Void main() {
   thing += "wot"

   |->| { // scope the local variables
      a := "-ever"
      thing += a

Which prints wot-ever as expected.

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