// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 17 Mar 08 Brian Frank Creation
// 03 Aug 15 Matthew Giannini RFC6265
** Cookie models an HTTP cookie used to pass data between the server
** and user agent as defined by [RFC 6265]`http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265`.
** See `WebReq.cookies` and `WebRes.cookies`.
const class Cookie
** Parse a HTTP cookie header name/value pair. The parsing of the name-value pair
** is done according to the algorithm outlined in [ยง 5.2]`http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.2`
** of the RFC.
** Throw ParseErr or return null if not formatted correctly.
static new fromStr(Str s, Bool checked := true)
Str? params := null
semi := s.index(";")
if (semi != null)
params = s[semi+1..-1]
s = s[0..<semi]
eq := s.index("=")
if (eq == null) throw ParseErr(s)
name := s[0..<eq].trim
val := s[eq+1..-1].trim
if (params == null) return make(name, val)
return make(name, val)
p := MimeType.parseParams(params)
it.domain = p["Domain"]
it.path = p.get("Path", "/")
catch (Err e)
if (checked) throw ParseErr("Cookie: $s")
return null
** Construct a cookie to use for session management.
** The following web config properties are used:
** - secureSessionCookie: force use of 'Secure' cookie option
** - sameSiteSessionCookie: force use of 'SameSite:strict' cookie option
@NoDoc static Cookie makeSession(Str name, Str val, [Field:Obj?]? overrides := null)
pod := Cookie#.pod
fields := [
#secure: pod.config("secureSessionCookie", "false") == "true",
#sameSite: pod.config("sameSiteSessionCookie", "strict"),
#httpOnly: true
if (overrides != null) overrides.each |v, f| { fields[f] = v }
return Cookie.make(name, val, Field.makeSetFunc(fields))
** Construct with name and value. The name must be a valid
** HTTP token and must not start with "$" (see `WebUtil.isToken`).
** The value string must be an ASCII string within the inclusive
** range of 0x20 and 0x7e (see `WebUtil.toQuotedStr`) with the
** exception of the semicolon.
** Fantom cookies will use quoted string values, however some browsers
** such as IE won't parse a quoted string with semicolons correctly,
** so we make semicolons illegal. If you have a value which might
** include non-ASCII characters or semicolons, then consider encoding
** using something like Base64:
** // write response
** res.cookies.add(Cookie("baz", val.toBuf.toBase64))
** // read from request
** val := Buf.fromBase64(req.cookies.get("baz", "")).readAllStr
new make(Str name, Str val, |This|? f := null)
if (f != null) f(this)
this.name = name
this.val = val
// validate name
if (!WebUtil.isToken(this.name) || this.name[0] == '$')
throw ArgErr("Cookie name has illegal chars: $val")
// validate value
if (!this.val.all |Int c->Bool| { return 0x20 <= c && c <= 0x7e && c != ';'})
throw ArgErr("Cookie value has illegal chars: $val")
if (this.val.size + 32 >= WebUtil.maxTokenSize) // fudge room for quotes & escapes
throw ArgErr("Cookie value too big")
** Name of the cookie.
const Str name
** Value string of the cookie.
const Str val
** Defines the lifetime of the cookie, after the the max-age
** elapses the client should discard the cookie. The duration
** is floored to seconds (fractional seconds are truncated).
** If maxAge is null (the default) then the cookie persists
** until the client is shutdown. If zero is specified, the
** cookie is discarded immediately. Note that many browsers
** still don't recognize max-age, so setting max-age also
** always includes an expires attribute.
const Duration? maxAge
** Specifies the domain for which the cookie is valid.
** An explicit domain must always start with a dot. If
** null (the default) then the cookie only applies to
** the server which set it.
const Str? domain
** Specifies the subset of URLs to which the cookie applies.
** If set to "/" (the default), then the cookie applies to all
** paths. If the path is null, it as assumed to be the same
** path as the document being described by the header which
** contains the cookie.
const Str? path := "/"
** If true, then the client only sends this cookie using a
** secure protocol such as HTTPS. Defaults to false.
const Bool secure := false
** If true, then the cookie is not available to JavaScript.
** Defaults to true.
const Bool httpOnly := true
** If this value is non-null, then we add the SameSite attribute to
** the cookie. Valid values are
** - 'lax'
** - 'strict'
** By default we set the attribute to 'strict'
const Str? sameSite := "strict"
** Return the cookie formatted as an Set-Cookie HTTP header.
override Str toStr()
s := StrBuf(64)
if (maxAge != null)
// we need to use Max-Age *and* Expires since many browsers
// such as Safari and IE still don't recognize max-age
if (maxAge.ticks <= 0)
s.add(";Expires=").add("Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT")
if (domain != null) s.add(";Domain=").add(domain)
if (path != null) s.add(";Path=").add(path)
if (secure) s.add(";Secure")
if (httpOnly) s.add(";HttpOnly")
if (sameSite != null) s.add(";SameSite=${sameSite}")
return s.toStr
internal Str toNameValStr() { "$name=$val" }