// Copyright (c) 2011, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   21 May 10  Andy Frank  Creation

using gfx
using fwt

** ActivityPane blocks input to a Widget while displaying an activity message.
class ActivityPane
  ** Throbber image to display next to message.
  Image? image := Image(`fan://webfwt/res/img/throbber-charcoal.gif`)

  ** Message to display.
  Str msg := "Loading"

  ** Return true while pane is open.
  native Bool working()

  ** Open ActivityPane over given widget.
  native This open(Widget parent)

  ** Close pane.
  native Void close()

  ** Find the first open instance of ActivityPane, or null
  ** if none exist.
  static native ActivityPane? find()
