#1050 Dotnet mode

pihentagy Wed 31 Mar 2010


Running demo.fan (and all others) fails with the following error, when dotnet mode is selected:

c:\programs\fantom\examples\fwt>fan demo.fan ERROR: cannot compile script sys::UnsupportedErr: Not yet implemented

a k├Âvetkez┼Ĺ helyen: Fan.Sys.Map.ordered (s, sor: 261)
a k├Âvetkez┼Ĺ helyen: Fan.Compiler.InitInput$initPod$0.doCall (Unknown Source)

a k├Âvetkez┼Ĺ helyen: Fan.Compiler.InitInput$initPod$0.call (Unknown Source)
a k├Âvetkez┼Ĺ helyen: Fan.Sys.FanObj.with (j.cs, sor: 145)
a k├Âvetkez┼Ĺ helyen: Fan.Sys.FanObj.with (j.cs, sor: 136)
a k├Âvetkez┼Ĺ helyen: Fan.Compiler.InitInput.initPod (Unknown Source)
a k├Âvetkez┼Ĺ helyen: Fan.Compiler.InitInput.run (Unknown Source)
a k├Âvetkez┼Ĺ helyen: Fan.Compiler.Compiler.frontend (Unknown Source)
a k├Âvetkez┼Ĺ helyen: Fan.Compiler.Compiler.compile (Unknown Source)
a k├Âvetkez┼Ĺ helyen: Fan.Compiler.Main.compileScript (Unknown Source)

What do I miss?

C:\programs\fantom\examples\sys>fan -version
Fantom Launcher
Copyright (c) 2006-2010, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0

.NET Runtime:
  clr.version:  2.0.50727.3603
  sys.platform: win32-x86
  sys.version:  1.0.52

tactics Wed 31 Mar 2010

The .NET backend for Fantom always lags the Java backend. Over the last few months, we've gone through a lot of fundamental changes to the language. Those changes haven't yet propagated to .NET.

Furthermore, the fwt has not been implemented in .NET. We have fwt support for Java and Javascript, but we're not quite there yet with .NET.

This particular issue however (the Map.ordered slot) has been missing for a pretty long time. I remember running into it about 6 months ago. It keeps .NET from working at all. It might be nice getting .NET up to "Hello world" again, now that all the major changes are past us.

brian Thu 1 Apr 2010

In general we've tried to keep the testSys stable in .NET with all the new changes.

That fix should actually pretty easy, I just didn't poke around very long to see if .NET had something like Java's LinkedHashMap.

If anyone knows what the equivalent is, should be pretty easy patch. If there is no equivalent, then might be a real pain.

tactics Thu 1 Apr 2010

I looked around for a while when I first ran into this bug. There is no equivalent in the standard .NET library, which kind of sucks.

It shouldn't be too hard to roll our own, though.

pihentagy Thu 1 Apr 2010

This OrderedDictionary seems similar, to what you are searching...

brian Thu 1 Apr 2010

Thanks pihentagy for finding that class!

I updated the C# code for to use that class - changeset.

So testSys::MapTest is fully working with .NET runtime now.

Although still doesn't get testCompiler working on .NET (so something is still broken to get compiler to run in .NET)

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