#1303 Some way to obtain Param's default value through reflection

tonsky Tue 9 Nov 2010

When calling Func#callList I can get list of params through Func#params, I can determine if Param has default value or not (via Param#hasDefault), but I cannot keep default values if I don't want to override them.

For example:

class HttpResponse {
  new make(Str body, Str contentType := 'text/plain', Int responseCode := 200)

now I can do (last param kept defautl):

HttpResponse#make.func.callList(["some body", "text/html"])

but I cannot do (override last but keep second):

HttpResponse#make.func.callList(["some body", ___keep default value___, 404])

It's needed in some heavy reflection-based code (dispatchers etc).

Maybe smth like Obj? Param#defaultValue?

brian Tue 9 Nov 2010

I definitely understand your plight, but unfortunately the problem is that there is no such thing as a default value, rather it is a default expression.

So in some cases you actually have to have an instance and all the other parameters to actually figure out what the default should be. Here is a simple example:

class Foo
  Str foo(Int x, Str y := "$this $x") { y }
  Void main() { echo(foo(3)) }

tonsky Tue 9 Nov 2010

Some kind of smart Func#call([Param:Obj] params) then maybe?

brian Tue 9 Nov 2010

Maybe I don't understand your problem, but you know you can just leave off the arguments to call or callList which you want to fallback to the default?

fansh> f := Int#toHex.func
fansh> f.callList([100])
fansh> f.callList([100, 4])

In your example you are trying to keep a default in the middle of the argument list - you can't do that though (in either Fantom or via reflection).

tonsky Wed 10 Nov 2010

Yes, that's exactly what I want — to keep default value in the middle of the arguments list. Is it possible to make it possible :) ?

brian Wed 10 Nov 2010

Sorry, don't think it is really feasible. Consider what happens under the covers:

Void foo(Str a := "a", Str b := "b", Str c := "c")

Compiles into Java like this:

void foo() { foo("a", "b", "c""); }
void foo(Str a) { foo(a, "b", "c"); }
void foo(Str a, Str b) { foo(a, b, "c"); }
void foo(Str a, Str b, Str c) { ... }

So you can see that everything is pretty optimized based on parameter ordering. I have some ideas for named parameters and how that would work. But that is a future thing.

One "hack" you might try is to get the docs from the method via sys::Slot.doc. The documentation contains meta-data about the defaults used for display purposes. In the cast of literals this might be decodable. No guaratees of course, but will probably work for basic cases.

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