#1381 js: Static init dependency order bug

ilya Wed 12 Jan 2011

Greetings. Seems there's something can remain uninitialized in static fields when running in Javascript. If we have

class A 
  const static B myB := B.def 

const class B 
   const static B def := B()
   Str foo() { "foo" }

And do somewhere a button

  text = "foo"
  onAction.add |Event e|
      Dialog.openInfo(e.window, A.myB.foo)
    catch (Err err)
      Dialog.openErr(e.window, err.traceToStr)

Then we'll get a "A.m_myB is null" on click error in Javascript.

andy Wed 12 Jan 2011

Renamed from const static fields problem in Javascript to js: Static init dependency order bug

andy Wed 12 Jan 2011

Promoted to ticket #1381 and assigned to andy

Yes - there appears to be a dependency order bug with static field definition. Swapping the definition of A and B worked for me.

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