#1531 F4 IDE

hernad Mon 16 May 2011

As much as I have seen from F4 IDE it has all the features for fantom development. Especially cool is the fact it is built with fantom itself.

Regarding available informations, F4 is closed source product.

What are plans for this project ? Is it going to be free IDE, or we have to consider this as public preview of an payed product ?

Anyway, it seems to be an great product.

Is it used extensively by someone in fantom community ?

ivan Tue 17 May 2011

Hi hernad, Thanks for a positive feedback!

Regarding your questions:

  • F4 will remain a free product and likely to be open-sourced later
  • F4 is heavily used inside xored for our internal Fantom-related development

On this week we are reworking our deployment process to ease the releasing of newer versions and provide self-update ability to F4 RCP. In the nearest future we are going to establish a periodic release cycle (at least for bugfix releases) and maintain release notes.

Also, if you want to propose some features or report bugs please report it to our F4 Jira

hernad Tue 17 May 2011

Great news ivan. It would be great to see product open-sourced.

As you know, developers prefers opensource core toolset.

At the other side, I am sure, it would be a great showcase of fantom power and usability.

The fact that somebody made an usable IDE with the language attracted me to explore language.

What to say besides: Keep going xored F4, keep going fantom !

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