Ticket #1577
Please consider the following code:
Obj t := Obj:Int[:] echo(t->size)
This works fine in Java, but in JavaScript I got:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'size' of undefined
Promoted to ticket #1577 and assigned to andy
Ticket resolved in 1.0.62
Fixed List and Map to properly support parameterized type reflection.
changeset and changeset
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dsav Fri 15 Jul 2011
Please consider the following code:
This works fine in Java, but in JavaScript I got:
andy Fri 15 Jul 2011
Promoted to ticket #1577 and assigned to andy
andy Wed 15 Feb 2012
Ticket resolved in 1.0.62
Fixed List and Map to properly support parameterized type reflection.
changeset and changeset