#1621 sashpane why it is called sashpane and not splitpane

jessevdam Tue 23 Aug 2011

It seems that only fantom is calling it a sashpane, while all the other widget toolkit call it a splitpane. I am curious why it is called like that.

Initially I thought there was not splitpane available, but it seems it is called sashpane. When entering sashpane in google the top hit is fantom.org leaving my to conclude all the other widget toolkits use different names for it.

Yuri Strot Tue 23 Aug 2011

I'm sure this name came from the SWT SashForm. However SplitPane really looks more intuitive for newcomers.

DanielFath Tue 23 Aug 2011

It's called Sash in SWT so I assume SashPane comes from there.

brian Wed 24 Aug 2011

Just copied SWT there. Probably SplitPane would be better, but don't think it is worth making a breaking change.

cheeser Thu 25 Aug 2011

rename the class, introduce a new deprecrated subclass with the old name. Best of both worlds. :)

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