#1748 Simple Newbie Dependency Question

claytonwohl Wed 11 Jan 2012

In my build.fan I have this:

(I changed the square brackets to curly braces to get this to post. I read a bunch on fandoc documentation and couldn't figure out how to get proper formatting or escaping. Would love to hear how to do this correctly as well.)

depends = {"sys 1.0", "{java}fanx.interop 1.0"}

When I try to build I get this error:

Cannot resolve depend: [java]fanx.interop 0 != [java]fanx.interop 1.0

Can someone explain how I need to key in this dependency?

Yuri Strot Wed 11 Jan 2012

There is no need to use any escaping for square brackets, you can just write ["sys 1.0", "[java]fanx.interop 1.0"] and it should work. Also you can put your text into pre> and <pre to mark it as preformatted:

["sys 1.0", "[java]fanx.interop 1.0"]

And you don't need to mention fanx.interop in your dependencies, using [java]fanx.interop in your source file will be enough.

claytonwohl Thu 12 Jan 2012

Thanks so much. You're correct in that I don't need fanx.interop in the dependencies (I thought I did because of an error I got when my using statement was incorrect).

I definitely can't post the following line with square brackets and I can't figure out the <pre> tag syntax. <pre></pre> doesn't work.

{"sys 1.0", "{java}fanx.interop 1.0"}

Yuri Strot Thu 12 Jan 2012

May be it will help you to see my post source: http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/7341/screenshot20120112at215.png. Also you can find all information about formatting here: http://fantom.org/doc/fandoc/index.html#pre

brian Thu 12 Jan 2012

I definitely can't post the following line with square brackets and I can't figure out the <pre> tag syntax. <pre></pre> doesn't work.

In general just indent your code two lines or more and it will be <pre>. For inline code you can use ticks

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