#1759 How can I help?

DVD Mon 23 Jan 2012

Hi, found out Fantom 3 days ago, since then I've put my projects apart and read the specification and most of the documentation. Done my simple apps and had fun with it. In the tour I read that the .Net support is not fully prepared to production but I don't see how can I help. I downloaded the sources tried to found out some .sln or some documentation on what is needed to do or something and found nothing.

How can I help?


EDIT: Any reason why isn't this project hosted on github?

brian Mon 23 Jan 2012

Any reason why isn't this project hosted on github?

Well mostly because we use Mercurial :-) The hg repo is on fantom.org, and I also keep a sync'ed copy I update on every build on Google Code.

that the .Net support is not fully prepared to production but I don't see how can I help.

Are you asking about helping to support .NET? Simple way to get involved is maybe to just start running the testSys test suite under .NET environment and start fixing issues:

fant --Druntime=dotnet testSys

DVD Mon 23 Jan 2012

After I made this post I went to the IRC and people help me out. I ran the tests and got a lot of failures now I'm wondering if there is any guidelines and documentation on how should I resolve this bugs. And how to send the corrected code to you guys.

About the github question, I only said that because projects on github have the tendency to grow faster that in other places.


brian Tue 24 Jan 2012

What I'd really like long term is to break .NET runtime out into a separate project with ownership by someone who really knows and uses .NET. In the meantime the best way to manage it is to just email your patches - [email protected]. I can work with you offline to get them merged in.

I would suggest start small. For example there are just a couple breaking tests for testSys for ListTest, MapTest, DateTimeTest. These are often just things that have gotten tweaked in Java, but not in C#. Typically you can just compare the Java version for the sys class against the C# class. You'll see most of C# is a straight port of Java. The big exception is the actual emitting code.

ikhwanhayat Wed 1 Feb 2012

Hi guys,

I've been working with the .NET runtime these past few days and managed to fix some failed tests in FloatTest, DateTimeTest, ListTest, etc. Nothing substantial really, I just went with what Brian said, compare to the Java version and port things over to C#.

I plan to go through the tests and fix things bit by bit, provided I got free time that is. How do I make sure I don't work on something already fixed by somebody?

Some of the things like Draft and LESS are put in bitbucket, why don't you host Fantom in bitbucket too. It would be easier to contribute and submit patch (pull requests). I cloned from the Google Code repo since I can't seem get the codes from http://hg.fantom.org.

andy Wed 1 Feb 2012

why don't you host Fantom in bitbucket too

We looked at that a few years ago - and secured the project name. But back then (believe in the early days of BitBucket) I ran into some problems setting up SSH keys and/or email notifications. I would imagine that kind of stuff has been sorted out by now, so probably worth another look.

StephenViles Fri 3 Feb 2012

+1 for BitBucket and pull requests, easier than emailing a patch.

I cloned from the Google Code repo since I can't seem get the codes from http://hg.fantom.org.

I had the same problem, as have others, see `http://fantom.org/sidewalk/topic/515`. I posted a workaround to get the whole repo from hg.fantom.org. After I got my local repo up to date, pulling changes from hg.fantom.org has not been a problem.

dluksza Fri 3 Feb 2012

+1 for migrating to git, IMHO it is more flexible than mercurial; also switching to github could give some benefits since it has more active users then bitbucket, IMHO this could attract more contributors.

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