What version of JLine did you pull for that? Googling around looks like Jline is released under BSD, so we could bundle that into the core. Your fanline.pod is only 186KB, so if that is a complete working solution seems like we could just always include it as part of core. Guess we'd have to think how it got created as a reusable API though (beyond just better fansh).
kaushikTue 20 Mar 2012
Hi brian,
I just pulled the latest version and built it.I guess it's 2.7.
The code seems to work fine for me (Mac 10.6.8), though, since jline uses native code, it would make sense to have input from others too before including it in the core.
fanline.pod is complete in itself (includes the jline.jar within it)
Edit: Fixed a few bugs and updated fanline.pod location. Tested on mac and RHL.
XanFri 23 Mar 2012
Is this related about my question Can you explain a little bit? If this will it merge to main fantom branch?
kaushikFri 23 Mar 2012
Yes. Thanks for you question and alex's tip on using fanline. I've always faced that problem and then lazily ignored it until I came across your post a couple of days ago:)
Can you explain a little bit?
Well, the code uses the current fansh code except the line input. which is done using Jline.
If this will it merge to main fantom branch?
I think brian wanted the same. Can you test it and see if it works fine for you? plus I'vent test this on any windows box? Checkout, build and run
fan fanline
We can refactor it a little bit if this will replace fansh.
Edit: Updated more info
XanSat 24 Mar 2012
I want to test it but I receive this error:
xan@gerret:~/proves/fantom-proves/fanline/fanline$ fan build.fan
compile [fanline]
Compile [fanline]
FindSourceFiles [2 files]
WritePod [file:/home/xan/bin/fantom/fantom/lib/fan/fanline.pod]
javaNative [fanline]
ERR: Invalid configDir URI for 'jdkHome': /C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_21/
ERR: Must config build prop 'jdkHome'
What can I do?
kaushikSat 24 Mar 2012
Since it includes native you need to set etc/build/config.props to correct jdk path. Alternatively just download the pod from here
XanSat 24 Mar 2012
Thanks. But what how can I set to linux? There is no line for that! How can I know where is my jdkHome in linux?
XanSat 24 Mar 2012
In ubuntu 11.10 the jdkhome is
brian, can you put this line in etc/build/config.prop? with
cool. Do you have access to a windows box too? I am just figuring out if this can be a drop in replacement for fansh.
XanSat 24 Mar 2012
Not, I don't have windows. I leave long time ago. Sorry. Cool if this is a replacement for fansh.
KevinKelleySat 24 Mar 2012
Without actually trying to figure it out... just grabbed the pod and tried to fire it up and got this
>fan fanline
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.fusesource.jansi.
at org.fusesource.jansi.internal.WindowsSupport.getConsoleMode(WindowsSu
at jline.WindowsTerminal.getConsoleMode(WindowsTerminal.java:176)
at jline.WindowsTerminal.init(WindowsTerminal.java:80)
at jline.TerminalFactory.create(TerminalFactory.java:93)
at jline.TerminalFactory.get(TerminalFactory.java:151)
at jline.console.ConsoleReader.<init>(ConsoleReader.java:162)
at jline.console.ConsoleReader.<init>(ConsoleReader.java:137)
at fan.fanline.CommandLinePeer.start(CommandLinePeer.java:22)
at fan.fanline.CommandLine.start(CommandLine.fan)
at fan.fanline.CommandLine.run(CommandLine.fan:12)
at fan.fanline.Main.main(Main.fan:3)
kaushik Mon 19 Mar 2012
Continuing Alex's tip on http://fantom.org/sidewalk/topic/1818 , I created Fanline which executes Shell commands using JLine providing arrow keys and other cool shell commands support. fanline.pod .
Run using
Edit: updated pod location
brian Mon 19 Mar 2012
Hi @kaushik,
What version of JLine did you pull for that? Googling around looks like Jline is released under BSD, so we could bundle that into the core. Your fanline.pod is only 186KB, so if that is a complete working solution seems like we could just always include it as part of core. Guess we'd have to think how it got created as a reusable API though (beyond just better fansh).
kaushik Tue 20 Mar 2012
Hi brian,
I just pulled the latest version and built it.I guess it's 2.7.
The code seems to work fine for me (Mac 10.6.8), though, since jline uses native code, it would make sense to have input from others too before including it in the core.
fanline.pod is complete in itself (includes the jline.jar within it)
The code itself just uses jline for input and forwards it to fansh::Shell.
Edit: Fixed a few bugs and updated fanline.pod location. Tested on mac and RHL.
Xan Fri 23 Mar 2012
Is this related about my question Can you explain a little bit? If this will it merge to main fantom branch?
kaushik Fri 23 Mar 2012
Yes. Thanks for you question and alex's tip on using fanline. I've always faced that problem and then lazily ignored it until I came across your post a couple of days ago:)
Well, the code uses the current fansh code except the line input. which is done using Jline.
I think brian wanted the same. Can you test it and see if it works fine for you? plus I'vent test this on any windows box? Checkout, build and run
We can refactor it a little bit if this will replace fansh.
Edit: Updated more info
Xan Sat 24 Mar 2012
I want to test it but I receive this error:
What can I do?
kaushik Sat 24 Mar 2012
Since it includes native you need to set etc/build/config.props to correct jdk path. Alternatively just download the pod from here
Xan Sat 24 Mar 2012
Thanks. But what how can I set to linux? There is no line for that! How can I know where is my jdkHome in linux?
Xan Sat 24 Mar 2012
In ubuntu 11.10 the jdkhome is
brian, can you put this line in etc/build/config.prop? with
With this, I could compile it:
Xan Sat 24 Mar 2012
And yes, it works propoerly.
I use Ubuntu 11.10 in eeepc
kaushik Sat 24 Mar 2012
cool. Do you have access to a windows box too? I am just figuring out if this can be a drop in replacement for fansh.
Xan Sat 24 Mar 2012
Not, I don't have windows. I leave long time ago. Sorry. Cool if this is a replacement for fansh.
KevinKelley Sat 24 Mar 2012
Without actually trying to figure it out... just grabbed the pod and tried to fire it up and got this
cloning, now, from hg.