Ticket #1885
This code...
class test { static Void main() { Obj? a x := a ?: ()"..." } }
yields this compiler backtrace:
ERROR: cannot compile script sys::NullErr: Coerce to non-null fan.sys.NullErr.makeCoerce (NullErr.java:38) compiler::Parser.parenExpr (Parser.fan:1417) compiler::Parser.multExpr (Parser.fan:1389) compiler::Parser.addExpr (Parser.fan:1377) compiler::Parser.rangeExpr (Parser.fan:1360) compiler::Parser.relationalExpr (Parser.fan:1329) compiler::Parser.equalityExpr (Parser.fan:1295) compiler::Parser.condAndExpr (Parser.fan:1275) compiler::Parser.condOrExpr (Parser.fan:1255) compiler::Parser.ifExprBody (Parser.fan:1245) compiler::Parser.ifExpr (Parser.fan:1224) compiler::Parser.assignExpr (Parser.fan:1188) compiler::Parser.assignExpr (Parser.fan) compiler::Parser.expr (Parser.fan:1177) compiler::Parser.localDefStmt (Parser.fan:943) compiler::Parser.exprOrLocalDefStmt (Parser.fan:881) compiler::Parser.stmt (Parser.fan:854) compiler::Parser.stmtOrBlock (Parser.fan:821) compiler::Parser.block (Parser.fan:802) compiler::Parser.methodDef (Parser.fan:703) 25 More...
should report an error and the location, instead of crashing.
Promoted to ticket #1885 and assigned to brian
Ticket resolved in 1.0.63
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KevinKelley Fri 27 Apr 2012
This code...
yields this compiler backtrace:
should report an error and the location, instead of crashing.
brian Fri 27 Apr 2012
Promoted to ticket #1885 and assigned to brian
brian Sat 16 Jun 2012
Ticket resolved in 1.0.63