#1892 Trying to debug a silent BUILD FAILED

csterritt Thu 24 May 2012


Trying to compile some code on my mac, which compiles fine on Linux. On the mac, the compilation output looks like:

compile [fan_rmq]
  Compile [fan_rmq]
    FindSourceFiles [2 files]
BUILD FAILED [1002ms]!

With no other clues. I'm trying to do the first (!) of the tutorials for RabbitMQ's java libraries here

I can compile the java version on the mac with no problem, and it runs fine, so I don't think the jar files are bad (and I rebuilt the rabbitmq client lib from source, and no change).

Here's the ported source (which, as I say, runs on Linux):

using [java] fanx.interop::Interop
using [java] fanx.interop::ByteArray

using [java] com.rabbitmq.client::ConnectionFactory
using [java] com.rabbitmq.client::Connection
using [java] com.rabbitmq.client::Channel

class FSend
  const static Str QUEUE_NAME := "hello"

  public static Void main()
    factory := ConnectionFactory()
    connection := factory.newConnection()
    channel := connection.createChannel()

    channel.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null)
    message := "Hello World!"
    buf := message.toBuf
    bytes := ByteArray(buf.size)
    channel.basicPublish("", QUEUE_NAME, null, bytes)
    echo(" [x] Sent '" + message + "'")


Thanks for any help. Here's my setup:

$ fan -version
Fantom Launcher
Copyright (c) 2006-2012, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0

Java Runtime:
  java.version:    1.6.0_31
  java.vm.name:    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
  java.vm.vendor:  Apple Inc.
  java.vm.version: 20.6-b01-415
  java.home:       /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
  fan.platform:    macosx-x86_64
  fan.version:     1.0.62
  fan.env:         sys::BootEnv
  fan.home:        /Users/chris/fantom-1.0.62

brian Thu 24 May 2012

Hi csterritt,

Its probably some Java FFI problem, but you can't tell because there is another bug where the compiler throws a CompilerErr improperly without logging it. I have since fixed that problem, but don't think it has made it into build yet. It is sort of hard to fix yourself unless you are setup for bootstrap. If you'd like me to email a patched compiler.pod, just send me an email to [email protected]. Or if you are setup for bootstrap you can change your Compiler.fan file to this around line 70:

catch (CompilerErr e)
  if (errs.isEmpty) CompilerSupport(this).errReport(e)
  throw e
finally cleanup

csterritt Fri 25 May 2012

Thanks -- with your fixed compiler.pod I now get the following error:

Unknown: Java package 'javax.net' not found

Running the fan compilerJava::ClassPath command, I see that javax.net is not named as one of the packages found. The ClassPath files lists:

ClassPath Files:

I don't see the file


mentioned, which does have the javax.net package in it. Adding that to my CLASSPATH makes everything work.

So I'm curious: is there a way to add the other /System/Library/... jars "properly"?

Thanks for the help!

brian Fri 25 May 2012

Glad to hear you got it working.

So I'm curious: is there a way to add the other /System/Library/... jars "properly"?

The big problem is the deplorable and inexcusable lack of modularity in Java. So it is hard to figure out what you should be including as part of the system core. So what you see in the compiler's ClassPath code is a bunch of hacks to try and figure out what is available. Hopefully if they ever get jigsaw done, we can do things more elegantly.

Outside of core code, my best practice is now to package up Java jars as Fantom pods and make them first class Fantom modules with clean names, versions, and dependencies.

csterritt Sat 2 Jun 2012

Hi Brian,

Outside of core code, my best practice is now to package up Java jars as Fantom pods and make them first class Fantom modules with clean names, versions, and dependencies.

I've looked around a little, and I can't find a description of how to do this. Thanks.

brian Sat 2 Jun 2012

Not too much to it other than how to turn a jar into a pod which you can do by creating an empty build script and making a jar one of your resDirs. See 1780.

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