#1905 How encapsulate jar in pod?

Akcelisto Fri 8 Jun 2012

I try to move my jar from {fanhome}\lib\java\ext\ to pod res.

class Build : BuildPod {
   new make() {
    podName = "podWithLucene"
    summary = "this pod want to use Lucene but cant"
    depends = ["sys 1.0"]
    srcDirs = [`fan/`, `test/`]
    resDirs = [`res/lucene-core-3.5.0.jar`]

But compiler not see Lucene in podWithLucene:

Java package 'org.apache.lucene' not found

However compiler see Lucene in other pod podDependOnLucene.

class Build : BuildPod {
   new make() {
    podName = "podDependOnLucene"
    summary = "this pod want to use Lucene and ok"
    depends = ["sys 1.0","podWithLucene 1.0"]
    srcDirs = [`fan/`, `test/`]      

How encapsulate dependency from jar in pod? I want create pod which uses jar internally as resource and which not share the jar for other pods.

brian Fri 8 Jun 2012

It is really designed so that a Java module gets packaged up as its own pod (seemes cleanest to me)

Akcelisto Sat 9 Jun 2012

I want arrange all my jars from lib/java/ext by pods which use them.

But instead of I need to convert my jars into pods and to add dependencies to pods? Right?

brian Sat 9 Jun 2012

But instead of I need to convert my jars into pods and to add dependencies to pods? Right?

Yes, I basically just turn each jar into a pod and then use Fantom's versioning and dependency mechanism (to do what should have been built into Java in the first place.)

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