#2026 web::WebClient

Akcelisto Wed 12 Sep 2012

1) Row 387 in WebClient.fan Now: catch throw IOErr("Invalid HTTP response")

Better: catch(Err e){ throw IOErr("Invalid HTTP response",e) }

Without we not have info about cause of WebClient.getIn fail.

2) Idea: add method getJson:

Obj? getJson(){

3) Why I cant retrieve mtgox ticker?

Write in fansh:

using web


sys::IOErr: Invalid HTTP response
cause:  java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out

I can get urls from other host but not from mtgox.com.

brian Thu 13 Sep 2012

1) Row 387 in WebClient.fan Now

Good idea, I pushed a change

2) Idea: add method

This a dependency issue, JSON is in util and web doesn't have a dependency on util.

3) Why I cant retrieve mtgox ticker?

It looks like you are using HTTPS there, which we don't support at the moment

Akcelisto Thu 13 Sep 2012

2) Extension medhods may fix this problem.

DanielFath Thu 13 Sep 2012

Extension methods would probably use util behind the covers.

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