#2071 IT Blocks in Ctor Chaining

SlimerDude Wed 19 Dec 2012


I have ctor's like this:

abstract const class SerBase {

  new make(|This|? f := null) {

  new makeWith(Range scale) : this.make(|SerBase t| {t.scale = scale}) {}

which is a little ugly'n'verbose. Is there anyway to make the 2nd ctor use an it block, so it reads a little more like:

new makeWith(Range scale) : this.make({it.scale = scale}) {}



brian Wed 19 Dec 2012

I see what you mean, not sure about that though since I'm almost sure it would add a lot of extra complexity to the compiler for sort of a odd boundary condition (I don't think I've ever run across, anyone else?).

KevinKelley Wed 19 Dec 2012

Might be a good use for the static new constructor pattern -- since the awkwardness is in the normal style of constructor chaining, meaning that you have to force a bunch of syntax into that self-initializer.

static new fromRange(Range scale) { make { it.scale = scale} }

With normal new, the object is under construction when the constructor is called; with static new, you're in static scope and have wider control of the construction sequence.

SlimerDude Thu 20 Dec 2012

The static new would be a good idea, but it's an abstract class, so, err... :(

The chaining comes about from having the class Serializable - and the ctor generates a lots of transient data from a couple of seed parameters.

It's no biggie - I was just wondering if I'd missed any syntax. It seems not.

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