#2354 either "haxe vs fantom" OR "haxe+fantom"

zaxebo1 Fri 3 Oct 2014

haxe language (see


) Haxe compiles source to source from haxe to the targets like java, C#, Javascript and additionally to Python, C++, PHP,NekoVM. Haxe is too deployed in various mature deployments industrially and is rock solid. It is progressing real fast. Some external parties are attempting haxe to ruby and haxe to objective c and haxe to lua convertor etc too.

Fantom compiles program which run on JRE, .NET CLR and javascript. Fantom is also being used in many places, as mentioned.


Questions: Q 1) Why should i choose Fantom over haxe? Esp. considering esp. the additional PHP and upcoming python targets. So i can deploy in cheap PHP hosts too.


Q2) Why don't these two projects collaborate, for example ?

2.A) if fantom itself maintains two sourcecodes for JVM and .NET , would it not be useful for them to implement their own source code only in haxe, which they themselves can compile to any platform? That is fantom written in haxe itself, can itself run on any target platform to which haxe compiles?

2.B) OR, if "haxe to fantom" source to source code convertor is written , which is very easy, then just by writing in haxe, we can run our same haxe source code on every platform using fantom too.

2.C) OR, why haxe is not written in fantom?

2.D) or, just like Fantom to .NET and Java and JS platform convertor/compiler has been written. Why do not you write Fantom to haxe convertor , so that you instantly get portability to all the platforms to which haxe compiles, in a single shot.

That is, i mean to say, probably these two open source projects may positively benefit from collaboration and advance faster.

SlimerDude Sun 5 Oct 2014

Hi Zaxebo1!

I guess asking why there are different programming languages (Fantom, Haxe, Ceylon, Kotlin, etc...) is like asking why there are different flavours of Linux...? I would say because each is produced by a different organisation with their own ethos, aims and priorities.

You mention compilation to JVM, CLR and Javascript platforms. While this may be a common feature it is by no means the main, or only, driving force behind each language.

As for Haxe <-> Fantom converters, each would be a major undertaking and I strongly doubt there would be complete interoperability between the two. Plus they both work on different levels, while Haxe produces Java source code, Fantom produces Java bytecode.

While Haxe looks to be an interesting project, it appears (to me at least) that it is more dissimilar to Fantom than it is similar.

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