#2498 F4 IDE Updates

SlimerDude Fri 4 Dec 2015

Hi, just to say that the Xored F4 IDE is in the process of being updated.

A preview of the next F4 1.0.3 release is currently availabe in the Nightly Builds section and will be made available when Fantom 1.0.68 is released.

The current build addresses the following issues:

  • `https://github.com/xored/f4/issues/26` - When attempting to launch a program or test from a pod that contains compilation failures, F4 now presents the following dialogue:

    Project Errors

  • `https://github.com/xored/f4/issues/49` - The bundled Fantom Runtime has been updated to the latest Fantom 1.0.68 - it even handles returning Void!
  • `https://github.com/xored/f4/issues/71` F4 has been updated to Eclipse Mars, meaning it should work with the latest linux GDK+ versions.
  • `https://github.com/xored/f4/issues/31` - F4 checks for src code in any referenced 3rd party pod. Very handy for autocomplete / checking documentation.
  • `https://github.com/xored/f4/issues/31` - Errors in build.fan are reported properly.

As well as many more other tweaks and updates!

Note that the new F4 requires a JRE of 1.7 or later.

LightDye Fri 4 Dec 2015

That's very good news! I was thinking that the development of F4 IDE was halted.

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