I'll be in Las Vegas March 19-20 to give a talk on Fan at The ServerSide Java Symposium. If you'll be there, let me know, or just stop by!
FYI, I'm expecting to be presenting on Fan at the London JAVAWUG group on the 16th March. So, the word will start to get out...
(maybe we could share some of the slides Andy?)
Sure just shoot me an email.
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andy Tue 10 Feb 2009
I'll be in Las Vegas March 19-20 to give a talk on Fan at The ServerSide Java Symposium. If you'll be there, let me know, or just stop by!
jodastephen Tue 10 Feb 2009
FYI, I'm expecting to be presenting on Fan at the London JAVAWUG group on the 16th March. So, the word will start to get out...
(maybe we could share some of the slides Andy?)
andy Tue 10 Feb 2009
Sure just shoot me an email.