#532 Improved detection immutable closures

brian Wed 15 Apr 2009

Currently the compile marks all closures in a method mutable even though there may be a mix of mutable and immutable:

class Foo
  Void main() 
    a := Actor(ActorGroup()) |Obj m->Obj| { echo(m); return m }    
    3.times |Int i| { a.send(a) }     

sys::NotImmutableErr: Receive func not immutable: |sys::Obj->sys::Obj|
  fan.sys.Actor.make$ (Actor.java:44)
  fan.sys.Actor.make (Actor.java:29)

brian Wed 15 Apr 2009

Promoted to ticket #532 and assigned to brian

brian Sun 17 May 2009

Ticket resolved in 1.0.43

Don't mark a closure immutable unless it actually captures local variables, even if other closures in that method do capture local variables.

tompalmer Mon 18 May 2009

Sounds great, by the way. Fan's hardcore concurrency emphasis is sweet. It seems to have a really nice organization/balance of functional (i.e., immutability-oriented) and imperative features.

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