#553 Map equivalent of List.of or Func.returns

tactics Mon 27 Apr 2009

There doesn't seem to be a way to get the parametrized types of a Map.

With a List, there is List.of that will tell you, "oh, this is a list of Ints".

With a Func, there is returns to tell you the return type and params to extract the parameter types.

But there is no method in Map that would say "The keys of this map are Strs" or "The values of this map are Uris". It might be nice to have.

brian Mon 27 Apr 2009

I don't have a method directly on Map, but you can get it pretty easily using Type.params:

fansh> m := ["quick":10sec, "long":10min]
[quick:10sec, long:10min]
fansh> m.type.params["K"]
fansh> m.type.params["V"]
fansh> m.type.params
[V:sys::Duration, M:[sys::Str:sys::Duration], K:sys::Str]

Likewise for functions:

fansh> f := |Int x->Str| { x.toHex }
fansh> f.type.params["A"]
fansh> f.type.params["R"]
fansh> f.type.params
[A:sys::Int, R:sys::Str]

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