#559 API request: sys::StrBuf.remove(Range)

KevinKelley Thu 30 Apr 2009

Was wanting to try using StrBuf as a backing model for a textedit, until I noticed there's no good way to remove a chunk from the strbuf.

There's an insert(int index, Obj x) which presumably does the right thing in growing the buf and copying everything after index to the proper spot. But the only remove does a single character. So to remove an n-character block, you have to call remove n times, meaning everything subsequent to index gets copied n times. Instead of copying it once, to where it should end up.

You could do it yourself, with set(index, char) -- except there's no means of setting the size of the strbuf after you move everything down. size maybe should be a field with get/set, like in List, instead of being a method. But the biggest issue is the lack of a remove(range) method.

While I'm looking at StrBuf, seems like a slice method that returns a sub-string of the buffer, would be nice too.

brian Thu 30 Apr 2009

Promoted to ticket #559 and assigned to brian

Good idea, I will add removeRange with consistent semantics to sys::List.removeRange.

I am not sure about slice though. If we did it seems like it should return a StrBuf, not a Str. You can always do this if you want a Str:


brian Thu 30 Apr 2009

Ticket resolved in 1.0.42

Added StrBuf.removeRange

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