It was a year ago in April that we had the first public release of Fan. Looking back over the last twelve months, there really has been a pretty amazing amount of progress. We've add lots of subsystems and language goodies:
Andy and I started SkyFoundry where we are building our entire infrastructure using Fan (and it is really cool stuff)
Fledgeling Fan support for IDE (critical for success)
The ability to compile Fan to JavaScript is a really compelling addition to Fan's portability story. That might end up becoming more important than JVM/CLR portability.
brian Fri 8 May 2009
It was a year ago in April that we had the first public release of Fan. Looking back over the last twelve months, there really has been a pretty amazing amount of progress. We've add lots of subsystems and language goodies:
The first six months:
Last six months:
APIThe ability to compile Fan to JavaScript is a really compelling addition to Fan's portability story. That might end up becoming more important than JVM/CLR portability.