#2239 Fantom on Avian?

ttmrichter Mon 17 Feb 2014

Has anybody tried to get Fantom running on the Avian virtual machine at all? If so, what was the experience like? If not, how difficult does it look? (There's apparently a Scala on Avian so I can't see that it would be a huge barrier for Fantom.)

SlimerDude Wed 19 Feb 2014

I like the idea of a lightweight JVM, but it's main use seems to be in creating self contained executables... makes me wonder what you're thinking of using it for...?

ttmrichter Thu 20 Feb 2014

Well, making a self-contained executable in a language that doesn't suck would be a nice start, no? :)

As a data point, I've got Fantom working with it ... but only if you use the OpenJDK7 class library. Without it there are some problems starting up based on missing classes. (The Avian class library is a subset of the full Java stack.)

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