// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   15 Sep 05  Brian Frank  Creation
//   29 Aug 06  Brian Frank  Ported from Java to Fan

** FPodNamespace implements Namespace by reading the fcode
** from pods directly.  Its not as efficient as using reflection,
** but lets us compile against a different pod set.
class FPodNamespace : CNamespace

// Construction

  ** Make a FPod namespace which looks in the specified directory
  ** to resolve pod files or null to delegate to 'Env.findPodFile'.
  new make(File? dir)
    this.dir = dir

// CNamespace

  ** Map to an FPod
  protected override FPod? findPod(Str podName)
    // try to find it
    File? file
      if (dir != null)
        file = dir + `${podName}.pod`
        file = Env.cur.findPodFile(podName)
    catch return null
    if (!file.exists) return null

    // load it
    fpod := FPod(this, podName, Zip.open(file))
    return fpod

// Fields

  ** where to look for pod or null to delegate to Env.findPodFile
  const File? dir
