// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   4 Nov 06  Brian Frank  Creation

** GenerateOutput creates the appropriate CompilerOutput instance
** for Compiler.output based on the configured CompilerInput.output.
class GenerateOutput : CompilerStep

// Construction

  ** Constructor takes the associated Compiler
  new make(Compiler compiler)
    : super(compiler)

// Methods

  ** Run the step
  override Void run()
    output := CompilerOutput.make
    output.mode = compiler.input.output

    switch (output.mode)
      case CompilerOutputMode.transientPod:
        output.transientPod = LoadPod(compiler).load

      case CompilerOutputMode.podFile:
        output.podFile = WritePod(compiler).write

      case CompilerOutputMode.js:
        output.js  = compiler.js
        output.cjs = compiler.cjs
        output.esm = compiler.esm

        throw err("Unknown output type: '$output.mode'", null)

    compiler.output = output
