#543 Compiler - Chaining dynamic calls

tactics Sun 19 Apr 2009

I am just breaking things left and right today. Here's another compiler issue. Basically, if you chain a dynamic call, the compiler tries to type check the second. It shouldn't be type checked at compile time, though, since it's dynamic.

class Test
  Void main()
    stuff := Stuff()
    stuff->things->each |t|

class Stuff 
  Str[] things := [,]

Here's the error

C:\Documents and Settings\Mchael\Desktop\test.fan(6,20): Unknown method 'sys::Obj.each'
ERROR: cannot compile script

brian Mon 20 Apr 2009

Promoted to ticket #543 and assigned to brian

I expect it has to do with the closure arg not setting the dynamic field on CallExpr

brian Wed 22 Apr 2009

Ticket resolved in 1.0.42

Simple fix - just forgot to set the isDynamic flag in that case.

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