#922 Don't allow one char scheme names in File(Uri)

fury Sun 17 Jan 2010

a := File(`d:/fantom/`)
echo(a.normalize) // this prints file:/C:/fantom
a.walk |f| { // this only prints d:/fantom

I find this to be a little strange. A call to normalize on a turns d:/fantom into file:/C:/fantom/ , and trying to walk the d:/fantom directory, which exists, only prints out d:/fantom . If however, I turn a into file:/d:/fantom everything works normal. Is there something I'm missing?

brian Sun 17 Jan 2010

File is immutable, so normalize returns a new file. If you want to keep the normalized instance then assign it back to a.

fury Sun 17 Jan 2010

Yes, but why is it changing drives? And why doesn't it walk the directory?

brian Sun 17 Jan 2010

File takes a URI, not a os path, so d: is a URI scheme like http:. If you want to construct a file with a OS path and not a URI then use sys::File.os

fury Sun 17 Jan 2010

Thank you for the explanation.

brian Sun 17 Jan 2010

Promoted to ticket #922 and assigned to brian

no problem

in fact that is probably a common enough problem to warrant a check in the File constructor to throw a meaningful error if you pass in a scheme that looks like a DOS drive letter

or maybe better I'll just require that if you pass a scheme it must be "file:"

brian Sun 17 Jan 2010

Renamed from Is this behaviour normal? to Don't allow one char scheme names in File(Uri)

fury Sun 17 Jan 2010

Yeah, great idea. Maybe put that as the exception's message?

brian Thu 21 Jan 2010

Ticket resolved in 1.0.49

Now File.make will throw ArgErr if the Uri passed has a non-null scheme other than "file:".

fury Fri 22 Jan 2010

Thanks boss :)

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