#2228 [ANN] Bounce Preview Release!

SlimerDude Fri 17 Jan 2014

Bounce v0.0.2 Released!

Bounce - use it to test your Bed Apps!

Bounce is a testing framework that makes requests to a Bed App without the overhead of starting up a web server and making expensive network requests.

Although the Bounce API is fairly limited at the moment, I thought it would be interesting to share as an example of Sizzle and Butter usage.

Quick Start

1). Create a text file called Example.fan:

using afBounce
using afBedSheet::Text
using afBedSheet::Route
using afBedSheet::Routes
using afIoc

class Example : Test {
    Void testBedApp() {
        // given
        server := BedServer(Type.find("Example_0::AppModule")).startup
        client := server.makeClient

        // when

        // then
        title := client.selectCss("#title").first
        verifyEq(title.text.writeToStr, "Sizzle Kicks Ass!")

** A Really Simple Bed App!!!
class AppModule {
    @Contribute { serviceType=Routes# }
    static Void contributeRoutes(OrderedConfig config) {
        config.add(Route(`/index`, Text.fromHtml("""<html><p id="title">Sizzle Kicks Ass!</p></html>""")))

2). Run Example.fan as a Fantom test script ( fant ) from the command line:

C:\> fant Example.fan

-- Run:  Example_0::Example.testBedApp...
[info] [afIoc] Adding modules from dependencies of 'afBedSheet'
[info] [afIoc] Adding module definition for afBedSheet::BedSheetModule
[info] [afIoc] Adding module definition for afIocConfig::IocConfigModule
[info] [afIoc] Adding module definition for afIocEnv::IocEnvModule
[info] [afIoc] Adding module definition for Example_0::AppModule
[info] [afIoc]
   ___    __                 _____        _
  / _ |  / /  _____  _____  / ___/__  ___/ /_________  __ __
 / _  | / /_ / / -_|/ _  / / __// _ \/ _/ __/ _  / __|/ // /
/_/ |_|/___//_/\__|/_//_/ /_/   \_,_/__/\__/____/_/   \_, /
          Alien-Factory BedServer v0.0.2, IoC v1.5.0 /___/

BedServer started up in 597ms

   Pass: Example_0::Example.testBedApp [1]

Time: 2052ms

*** All tests passed! [1 tests, 1 methods, 1 verifies]


The Quick Start example pretty much sums up Bounce usage.

BedClient is just a ButterDish that wraps a Butter instance - all the functionality is provided by Butter middleware. BedTerminator is the terminator of the stack, which sends requests to the BedServer, which holds the instance of your Bed App.

By creating BedClient with a Butter stack that ends with a real HTTP terminator, Bounce can also be used to test web applications in any environment. Example:

Void testFantomFactory() {
    client := BedClient(Butter.churnOut)

    // make real calls out to the web / your integration environment

    elems := client.selectCss("h1 small")

    echo(elems.first.toStr)  // --> Where Pods Are Made

Have fun!


LightDye Thu 6 Mar 2014

For people using the example above, compilation fails on this line

title := client.select("#title").first

due to

Unknown method 'afBounce::BedClient.select'

I believe it has changed to client.selectCss instead.

SlimerDude Thu 6 Mar 2014

Yeah, it changed to client.selectCss() in v0.0.4. Thanks LightDye for pointing that out, I've edited the above example.

To make life easier, Bounce now has HTML Elements that contain lots of useful verify() methods:

title := Element("#title")
title.verifyTextEq("Sizzle Kicks Ass!")

So Example.fan now becomes:

using afBounce
using afBedSheet
using afIoc

class Example : Test {
    Void testBedApp() {
        // given
        server := BedServer(Type.find("Example_0::AppModule")).startup
        client := server.makeClient

        // when

        // then
        title := Element("#title")
        title.verifyTextEq("Sizzle Kicks Ass!")

        // clean up

** A Really Simple Bed App!!!
class AppModule {
    @Contribute { serviceType=Routes# }
    static Void contributeRoutes(OrderedConfig config) {
        config.add(Route(`/index`, Text.fromHtml("""<html><p id="title">Sizzle Kicks Ass!</p></html>""")))

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