#2252 New Book for Fantom

Hertz Wed 2 Apr 2014

Hello Everyone,

I am glad to announce the start of my new project Programming Language Fantom 1.0 (working title). It is an open-developed book that aims to be one of the best resource for learning about the Fantom programming language. It is open-developed meaning that anyone can help edit the content of the book. You can help fix grammatical or spelling errors, or you can even make your own chapter. Project management is done using this wonderful online tool called Penflip. Penflip is like the GitHub for books. It manages projects and lets you do collaborative work on your writings. You format your text the same way you do in these forums using Markdown.

If you are interested in seeing the project then visit the link below. I welcome anyone who comes and wants to participate.

Link to Programming Langauge Fantom 1.0 : https://www.penflip.com/Hertz/programming-language-fantom-1-0?invite=dE1bRMms

SlimerDude Wed 2 Apr 2014

Wow! Awsome! That's a stonkingly good idea!

What prompted you to start this project?

SlimerDude Wed 2 Apr 2014

Wow, you've really put a lot of effort into this already!

And you've truly started from the ground up! What with a brief history of Fantom and whole chapter on Hello World!

It looks like you've been tinkering with this idea for a while now, it's a fantastic start.

andy Wed 2 Apr 2014

Very cool - I will definitely help out where I can. I had forgotten about alot of that stuff in Chapter 1 ;)

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