#2304 Atom editor support for Fantom

matthew Mon 23 Jun 2014

If anyone is using the Atom editor or interested in it, I published a simple package that adds Fantom language syntax highlighting. The package is located at language-fantom.

You can install from the command-line with apm install language-fantom, or using the package manager in the Atom settings.

Would like to add integrated build support next so you can easily run various build targets for your projects. But for now I use the runcoderun plugin. I just open the build.fan and runcoderun will exec it to do the build and show you the output.

SlimerDude Mon 23 Jun 2014

Hi mgiannini!

Nice work! I'm impressed it's released as an official Atom package!

Is it based on the Fantom TextMate bundle or did you start from scratch? I ask because I was looking at creating a fantom bundle for Sublime3 a while back.

matthew Mon 23 Jun 2014

I basically started from scratch because I was not aware there was a TextMate bundle for Fantom already. Also, I wanted to understand the grammar syntax so that I'd have the ability to enhance it later.

I actually created a YAML file for Sublime3 to begin with, but then saw some threads that Sublime 3 might be "abandon-ware". That's when I started looking into Atom.

If you want my YAML file for Sublime3 let me know and I'll send it to you.

SlimerDude Tue 24 Jun 2014

Yeah, that'd be cool, thanks! Try steve at fantomfactory dotty org.

So Sublime3; not dead apparently, just dead slow!!!

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