#2329 Provision Fantom for Vagrant

andy Tue 12 Aug 2014

For anyone out there using Vagrant - I put together a simple provisioning script to install Fantom onto a Debian/Ubuntu box:


Fixes or improvements welcome!

SlimerDude Tue 12 Aug 2014

The Fantom compiler works best with JDK 1.6

Well, I never knew that! Any reason?

andy Tue 12 Aug 2014

JDK 7 (and I assume 8) generates bytecode that requires at least a Java 7 runtime. So its not really an issue for most people. But if you use JDK 1.6 you can run on 1.5+.

Edit: I should probably clarify that in the comments - thanks for pointing that put Steve

LightDye Fri 15 Aug 2014

I haven't used Vagrant before. Looks interesting though. I'm trying to understand the concepts. Does the provisioning script create a Vagrant Box? If you already have a Vagrant Box configured, would you mind sharing it through http://www.vagrantbox.es?

andy Fri 15 Aug 2014

No the provisioning scripts customizes a base box. You would take a base box, add this script, and either modify or add additional provisioning steps to set things up specific to your needs (i.e. you might need mysql or apt-get some additional utils).

You can created custom boxes, but you generally wouldn't for something like this. The idea is that (1) its very simple to create a reproducible configuration, and (2) that that configuration can be maintained under source control.

This way all developers on the team can easily be using the same image. Its also very useful if you work on more then one machine. Syncing with hg or git is much easier than copying a 500MB vmware image ;)

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