#2353 Color.alpha not recognized in Javascript

Jeremy Criquet Mon 29 Sep 2014

Color.makeArgb( 128, 255, 0, 0 ) results in this being generated in the html: rgb(255, 0, 0). The alpha in the color is ignored.

Specifically, I set the color to a WebBorderPane.bg and it generated that code for the background CSS property. A simple for for now is to just modify WebBorderPane.style my self.

Just wanted to point this little quirk out.

andy Mon 29 Sep 2014

Hmm not able for reproduce this. Looks like Color itself is good:


And verified BorderPane.bg (both on OSX Safari 7.1 running 1.0.66).

Do you see this in a specific browser - or all browsers on your machine?

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