// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   19 Jul 06  Brian Frank  Creation

** Block is a list of zero or more Stmts
class Block : Node

// Construction

  new make(Loc loc)
    : super(loc)
    stmts = Stmt[,]

// Stmts

  ** Return is there are no statements
  Bool isEmpty() { stmts.isEmpty }

  ** Return number of statements
  Int size() { stmts.size }

  ** Does this block always cause us to exit the method (does the
  ** last statement return true for Stmt.isExit)
  Bool isExit()
    if (stmts.isEmpty) return false
    return stmts.last.isExit

  ** Return if any of the statements perform definite assignment.
  Bool isDefiniteAssign(|Expr lhs->Bool| f)
    return stmts.any |Stmt s->Bool| { s.isDefiniteAssign(f) }

  ** Append a statement
  Void add(Stmt stmt)

  ** Append a list of statements
  Void addAll(Stmt[] stmts)

// Tree

  Void walkExpr(|Expr expr->Expr| closure)
    walk(ExprVisitor(closure), VisitDepth.expr)

  Void walk(Visitor v, VisitDepth depth)
    copy := Stmt[,]
    copy.capacity = stmts.size
    stmts.each |Stmt stmt|
      r := stmt.walk(v, depth)
      if (r == null) copy.add(stmt)
      else copy.addAll(r)
    stmts = copy

// Debug

  override Void print(AstWriter out) { printOpt(out) }

  Void printOpt(AstWriter out, Bool braces := true)
    if (braces) out.w("{").nl
    stmts.each |Stmt stmt| { stmt.print(out) }
    if (braces) out.w("}").nl

// Fields

  Stmt[] stmts