// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   4 Nov 06  Brian Frank  Creation

** CompilerOutput encapsulates the result of a compile.  The compiler
** can output in three modes:
**   - 'transientPod': compiles to an in-memory pod
**   - 'podFile': compile a pod file to the file system, but don't
**     automatically load it.
**   - 'js': runs through frontend of compiler to build AST and
**     generates JavaScript code (doesn't perform any backend
**     fcode or pod generation)
class CompilerOutput
  ** Mode indicates the type of this output
  CompilerOutputMode? mode

  ** If `CompilerOutputMode.transientPod` mode, this is loaded pod.
  Pod? transientPod

  ** If `CompilerOutputMode.podFile` mode, the pod zip file written to disk.
  File? podFile

  ** If `CompilerOutputMode.js` mode, the JavaScript code string.
  Str? js
  Str? cjs
  Str? esm

** CompilerOutputMode

** Input source from the file system - see `CompilerOutput`
enum class CompilerOutputMode