// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 26 Dec 05 Brian Frank Creation
// 19 Aug 06 Brian Frank Ported from Java to Fan
** FPod is the read/write fcode representation of sys::Pod. It's main job in
** life is to manage all the pod-wide constant tables for names, literals,
** type/slot references and type/slot definitions.
final class FPod : CPod, FConst
// Constructor
new make(CNamespace ns, Str podName, Zip? zip)
this.ns = ns
this.version = Version.defVal
this.depends = CDepend[,]
this.name = podName
this.zip = zip
this.names = FTable.makeStrs(this)
this.typeRefs = FTable.makeTypeRefs(this)
this.fieldRefs = FTable.makeFieldRefs(this)
this.methodRefs = FTable.makeMethodRefs(this)
this.ints = FTable.makeInts(this)
this.floats = FTable.makeFloats(this)
this.decimals = FTable.makeDecimals(this)
this.strs = FTable.makeStrs(this)
this.durations = FTable.makeDurations(this)
this.uris = FTable.makeStrs(this)
this.meta = Str:Str[:]
this.index = Str:Str[:]
// CPod
override File file() { zip.file }
override CType? resolveType(Str name, Bool checked)
t := ftypesByName[name]
if (t != null) return t
if (checked) throw UnknownTypeErr("${this.name}::$name")
return null
override CType[] types()
return ftypes
CType? toType(Int index)
if (index == 0xffff) return null
r := typeRef(index)
sig := r.isGenericInstance ?
r.sig :
n(r.podName) + "::" + n(r.typeName) + r.sig
return ns.resolveType(sig)
CType[] resolveTypes(Int[] indexes)
return indexes.map |Int index->CType| { toType(index) }
// Convenience
Str n(Int index) { names[index] }
FTypeRef typeRef(Int index) { typeRefs[index] }
FFieldRef fieldRef(Int index) { fieldRefs[index] }
FMethodRef methodRef(Int index) { methodRefs[index] }
Int integer(Int index) { ints[index] }
Float float(Int index) { floats[index] }
Decimal decimal(Int index) { decimals[index] }
Str str(Int index) { strs[index] }
Duration duration(Int index) { durations[index] }
Str uri(Int index) { uris[index] }
Str typeRefStr(Int index) { typeRef(index).format(this) }
Str fieldRefStr(Int index) { fieldRef(index).format(this) }
Str methodRefStr(Int index) { methodRef(index).format(this) }
// Compile Utils
Int addName(Str val)
return names.add(val)
Int addTypeRef(CType t)
p := addName(t.pod.name)
n := addName(t.name)
sig := ""
if (t.isParameterized) sig = t.signature
else if (t.isNullable) sig = "?"
return typeRefs.add(FTypeRef(p, n, sig))
Int addFieldRef(CField field)
p := addTypeRef(field.parent)
n := addName(field.name)
t := addTypeRef(field.fieldType)
return fieldRefs.add(FFieldRef(p, n, t))
Int addMethodRef(CMethod method, Int? argCount := null)
// if this is a generic instantiation, we want to call
// against the original generic method using it's raw
// types, since that is how the system library will
// implement the type
if (method.isParameterized) method = method.generic
p := addTypeRef(method.parent)
n := addName(method.name)
r := addTypeRef(method.inheritedReturnType.raw) // CLR can't deal with covariance
Int[] params := method.params.map |CParam x->Int| { addTypeRef(x.paramType.raw) }
if (argCount != null && argCount < params.size)
params = params[0..<argCount]
return methodRefs.add(FMethodRef(p, n, r, params))
Void dump(OutStream out := Env.cur.out)
p := FPrinter(this, out)
p.showCode = true
// Read
** Read the just the pod and type meta-data, but
** not each type's full definition
Void read()
// echo(" FPod.reading [$zip.file]...")
// read pod meta-data
meta = this.in(`/meta.props`).readProps
name = meta.get("pod.name") ?: throw IOErr("Missing meta pod.name")
version = Version(meta.get("pod.version"))
d := meta.get("pod.depends")
depends = d.isEmpty ? CDepend[,] : d.split(';').map |s->CDepend| { CDepend.fromStr(s) }
// read tables
// read type meta-data
in := this.in(`/fcode/types.def`)
ftypes = FType[,]
ftypesByName = Str:FType[:]
if (in != null)
ftype := FType(this).readMeta(in)
ftypesByName[ftype.name] = ftype
ns.typeCache[ftype.qname] = ftype
** Read the entire pod into memory (including full type specifications)
Void readFully()
ftypes.each |FType t| { t.read }
// Write
** Write the tables and type files out to zip storage
Void write(Zip zip := this.zip)
this.zip = zip
// write pod meta, index props
// write non-empty tables
if (!names.isEmpty) names.write(out(`/fcode/names.def`))
if (!typeRefs.isEmpty) typeRefs.write(out(`/fcode/typeRefs.def`))
if (!fieldRefs.isEmpty) fieldRefs.write(out(`/fcode/fieldRefs.def`))
if (!methodRefs.isEmpty) methodRefs.write(out(`/fcode/methodRefs.def`))
if (!ints.isEmpty) ints.write(out(`/fcode/ints.def`))
if (!floats.isEmpty) floats.write(out(`/fcode/floats.def`))
if (!decimals.isEmpty) decimals.write(out(`/fcode/decimals.def`))
if (!strs.isEmpty) strs.write(out(`/fcode/strs.def`))
if (!durations.isEmpty) durations.write(out(`/fcode/durations.def`))
if (!uris.isEmpty) uris.write(out(`/fcode/uris.def`))
// write type meta-data
if (!ftypes.isEmpty)
out := this.out(`/fcode/types.def`)
ftypes.each |FType t| { t.writeMeta(out) }
// write type full fcode
ftypes.each |FType t| { t.write }
private Void writeMeta(Uri uri)
out := out(uri)
private Void writeIndex(Uri uri)
if (index.isEmpty) return
out := out(uri)
index.each |v, n|
if (v is Str)
prop(out, n, v)
((Str[])v).each |vi| { prop(out, n, vi) }
private Void prop(OutStream out, Str n, Str v)
out.print(n.toCode(null, true))
.print(v.toCode(null, true))
// Zip
** Get input stream to read the specified file from zip storage.
InStream? in(Uri uri)
file := zip.contents[uri]
if (file == null) return null
return file.in
** Get output stream to write the specified file to zip storage.
OutStream out(Uri uri) { zip.writeNext(uri) }
// Fields
override CNamespace ns // compiler's namespace
override Str name // pod's unique name
override Version version // pod version
override CDepend[] depends // pod dependencies
override Str:Str meta // pod meta
Str:Obj index // pod index
Zip? zip // zipped storage
FType[]? ftypes // pod's declared types
FTable names // identifier names: foo
FTable typeRefs // types refs: [pod,type,sig]
FTable fieldRefs // fields refs: [parent,name,type]
FTable methodRefs // methods refs: [parent,name,ret,params]
FTable ints // Int literals
FTable floats // Float literals
FTable decimals // Decimal literals
FTable strs // Str literals
FTable durations // Duration literals
FTable uris // Uri literals
[Str:FType]? ftypesByName // if loaded