// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   26 Dec 05  Brian Frank  Creation
//   19 Aug 06  Brian Frank  Ported from Java to Fan

** FType is the read/write fcode representation of sys::Type.
class FType : CType

// Constructor

  new make(FPod fpod)
    this.fpod = fpod
    this.fattrs = FAttr[,]

// CType

  override CNamespace ns() { fpod.ns }
  override FPod pod() { fpod }
  override once Str name() { fpod.n(fpod.typeRef(self).typeName) }
  override once Str qname() { "${fpod.name}::${name}" }
  override Str signature() { qname }
  override CDoc? doc() { null }

  FAttr? attr(Str name)
    fattrs.find |a| { fpod.n(a.name) == name }

  override CType? base
      if (&base == null) &base = fpod.toType(fbase)
      return &base

  override once CType[] mixins()
    return fpod.resolveTypes(fmixins)

  override once Bool isVal()
    return isValType(qname)

  override CFacet? facet(Str qname)
    if (ffacets == null) reflect
    return ffacets.find |f| { f.qname == qname }

  override Str:CSlot slots()
    if (slotsCached == null) reflect
    return slotsCached
  private [Str:CSlot]? slotsCached

  override once COperators operators() { COperators(this) }

  override Bool isNullable() { false }

  override once CType toNullable() { NullableType(this) }

  override Bool isGeneric()
    return fpod.name == "sys" && (name == "List" || name == "Map" || name == "Func")

  override Bool isParameterized() { false }

  override Bool isGenericParameter()
    return fpod.name == "sys" && name.size == 1

  override once CType toListOf() { ListType(this) }

// Reflection

  private Void reflect()
    // lazy read from the pod file

    // map all the declared fields and methods
    slotsCached = Str:CSlot[:]
    ffields.each  |FField f|  { slots[f.name] = f }
    fmethods.each |FMethod m|
      f := (FField?)slots[m.name]
      if (f != null)
        // if already mapped to field must be getter/setter
        if (m.flags.and(FConst.Getter) != 0)
          f.getter = m
        else if (m.flags.and(FConst.Setter) != 0)
          f.setter = m
          throw Err("Conflicting slots: $f and $m")
        slotsCached[m.name] = m

    // inherited slots
    if (base != null) inherit(base)
    mixins.each |CType t| { inherit(t) }

  private Void inherit(CType t)
    t.slots.each |CSlot newSlot|
      // if slot already mapped, skip it
      if (slotsCached[newSlot.name] != null) return

      // we never inherit constructors, private slots,
      // or internal slots outside of the pod
      if (newSlot.isCtor || newSlot.isPrivate ||
          (newSlot.isInternal && newSlot.parent.pod != t.pod))

      // inherit it
      slotsCached[newSlot.name] = newSlot

// Meta IO

  Void writeMeta(OutStream out)
    fmixins.each |Int m| { out.writeI2(m) }

  This readMeta(InStream in)
    self    = in.readU2
    fbase   = in.readU2
    fmixins = Int[,]
    in.readU2.times { fmixins.add(in.readU2) }
    flags   = in.readU4
    return this

// Body IO

  Uri uri()
    return Uri.fromStr("/fcode/" + fpod.n(fpod.typeRef(self).typeName) + ".fcode")

  Void write()
    out := fpod.out(uri)

    ffields.each |FField f| { f.write(out) }

    fmethods.each |FMethod m| { m.write(out) }

    fattrs.each |FAttr a| { a.write(out) }


  Void read()
    in := fpod.in(uri)

    ffields = FField[,]
    in.readU2.times { ffields.add(FField(this).read(in)) }

    fmethods = FMethod[,]
    in.readU2.times { fmethods.add(FMethod(this).read(in)) }

    fattrs = FAttr[,]
    in.readU2.times { fattrs.add(FAttr.make.read(in)) }

    ffacets = FFacet.decode(fpod, attr(FConst.FacetsAttr))


// Fields

  override Int flags    // bitmask
  Bool hollow := true   // have we only read meta-data
  FPod fpod             // parent pod
  Int self              // self typeRef index
  Int fbase             // base typeRef index
  Int[]? fmixins        // mixin typeRef indexes
  FField[]? ffields     // fields
  FMethod[]? fmethods   // methods
  FAttr[]? fattrs       // type attributes
  FFacet[]? ffacets     // decoded facet attributes
