// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   5 Jun 06  Brian Frank  Creation

** Tokenize is responsible for parsing all the source files into a
** a list of tokens.  Each source file is mapped to a CompilationUnit
** and stored in the PodDef.units field:
**   Compiler.srcFiles -> Compiler.pod.units
** During the standard pipeline this step is called by the InitInput step.
class Tokenize : CompilerStep

  new make(Compiler compiler)
    : super(compiler)
    input = compiler.input

  override Void run()
    switch (input.mode)
      case CompilerInputMode.str:  runStrMode
      case CompilerInputMode.file: runFileMode
      default: throw UnsupportedErr()

  private Void runStrMode()
    tokenize(input.srcStrLoc, input.srcStr)

  private Void runFileMode()
    compiler.srcFiles.each |file|
      loc := Loc.makeFile(file)
        src := file.readAllStr
        tokenize(loc, src)
      catch (CompilerErr err)
        throw err
      catch (Err e)
        if (file.exists)
          throw err("Cannot read source file: $e", loc)
          throw err("Source file not found", loc)

  CompilationUnit tokenize(Loc loc, Str src)
    unit := CompilationUnit(loc, pod)
    tokenizer := Tokenizer(compiler, loc, src, input.includeDoc)
    unit.tokens = tokenizer.tokenize
    return unit

  CompilerInput input