const class compilerDoc::DocFlags
sys::Obj compilerDoc::DocFlags
DocFlags models the flags used to annotate types and slots
- Abstract
const static Int Abstract := 1
- Const
const static Int Const := 2
- Ctor
const static Int Ctor := 4
- Enum
const static Int Enum := 8
- Facet
const static Int Facet := 16
- Final
const static Int Final := 32
- Getter
const static Int Getter := 64
- Internal
const static Int Internal := 128
- Mixin
const static Int Mixin := 256
- Native
const static Int Native := 512
- Once
const static Int Once := 524288
- Override
const static Int Override := 1024
- Private
const static Int Private := 2048
- Protected
const static Int Protected := 4096
- Public
const static Int Public := 8192
- Setter
const static Int Setter := 16384
- Static
const static Int Static := 32768
- Storage
const static Int Storage := 65536
- Synthetic
const static Int Synthetic := 131072
- Virtual
const static Int Virtual := 262144
- fromName
- fromNames
- isAbstract
- isConst
- isCtor
- isEnum
- isFacet
- isFinal
- isGetter
- isInternal
- isMixin
- isNative
- isOnce
- isOverride
- isPrivate
- isProtected
- isPublic
- isSetter
- isStatic
- isStorage
- isSynthetic
- isVirtual
- toNames
- toSlotDis
- toTypeDis
Type flags to display including final