const class compilerDoc::DocPod
sys::Obj compilerDoc::DocSpace compilerDoc::DocPod
DocPod models the documentation of a Pod
- allTypes
DocType[] allTypes()
Get all types (public, internal, nodoc, etc)
- chapter
DocChapter? chapter(Str chapterName, Bool checked := true)
Find a chapter by name. If the chapter doesn't exist and checked is false then return null, otherwise throw Err.
- chapters
const DocChapter[] chapters
If this is a manual like docLang, return list of chapters.
- doc
virtual override Doc? doc(Str name, Bool checked := true)
Find the document with the given name. If not found raise UnknownDocErr or return null based on checked flag. The document namespace of a pod is:
- "index": the DocPodIndex
- "{type name}": DocType
- "{chapter name}": DocChapter
- "{filename}": DocRes
- "src-{filename}": DocSrc
- eachDoc
- file
const File file
File the pod was loaded from
- index
const DocPodIndex index
Document which models the index page for this pod
- isManual
Bool isManual()
A manual pod is a pod with two or more fandoc chapters and no types.
- load
static DocPod load(DocEnv? env, File file)
Load from a zip file using the given DocEnv as the gerror handler
- loadFile
static DocPod loadFile(File file, |DocErr| onErr)
Load from a zip file with given error handler
- meta
Get the meta name/value pairs for this pod. See docLang.
- name
const Str name
Simple name of the pod such as "sys".
- podDoc
const DocChapter? podDoc
If this pod has an associated pod.fandoc chapter
- res
DocRes? res(Str filename, Bool checked := true)
Return resource for filename, or if not available return null/raise exception. This filenames is always relative to doc/ sub-directory.
- resList
const DocRes[] resList
Resource files in pod which are used to support the documentation such as images used by the fandoc chapters. Resources can only be located in doc/ sub-directory.
- spaceName
virtual override Str spaceName()
Space name is same as
- src
DocSrc? src(Str filename, Bool checked := true)
Return source code for filename, or if not available return null/raise exception.
- srcList
const DocSrc[] srcList
Source files in pod which should be included in documentation.
- summary
const Str summary
Summary string for the pod
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
Always return
. - ts
DateTime? ts()
Get the build timestamp or null if not available
- type
DocType? type(Str typeName, Bool checked := true)
Find a type by name. If the type doesn't exist and checked is false then return null, otherwise throw UnknownTypeErr.
- types
const DocType[] types
List of the public, documented types in this pod.
- version
const Version version
Version number for this pod.