class compilerDoc::DocPodIndexRenderer
sys::Obj compilerDoc::DocRenderer compilerDoc::DocPodIndexRenderer
Renders the index of a pod's documents.
<h1><span>pod</span>{pod.qname}</h1> <p>{pod.summary}</p> <h2>{}</h2> <table> <tr> <td>{}</td> <td>{type.summary}</td> </tr> </table>
Table of Contents
<ul> <li><a>...</a></li> <li><a>...</a> <ul>...</ul> </li> </ul>
- index
const DocPodIndex index
Pod index to render
- make
new make(DocEnv env, WebOutStream out, DocPodIndex doc)
- writeContent
virtual override Void writeContent()
Write the content for a pod index. This delegates to
- writeContentApi
virtual Void writeContentApi()
Write the content for an API (non-manual) pod
- writeContentManual
virtual Void writeContentManual()
Write the content for a manual pod
- writePodDocToc
virtual Void writePodDocToc(DocHeading[] headings)
Write out pod-doc table of contents.
- writeTypes
virtual Void writeTypes()
Render the pod's index of types.