// Copyright (c) 2011, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   15 Aug 11  Brian Frank  Creation

using web

** DocErr models errors and their locations during doc compilation.
const class DocErr : Err
  ** Constructor with message, location, and optional cause
  new make(Str msg, DocLoc loc, Err? cause := null)
    : super(msg, cause)
    this.loc = loc

  ** Location of the error
  const DocLoc loc

** UnknownDocErr is raised when resolving a non-existent document.
const class UnknownDocErr : Err
  ** Constructor
  new make(Str msg, Err? cause := null) : super(msg, cause) {}

** DocErrHandler is responsible for handling errors encountered
** during doc compilation including broken links and fandoc format
** errors.
class DocErrHandler

  ** Accumulated list of errors reported
  DocErr[] errs := [,]

  ** Handle a documentation error.  Default implementation
  ** logs it to stdout and stores it in `errs`.
  virtual Void onErr(DocErr err)
    echo("$err.loc: $err.msg")
    if (err.cause != null) err.cause.trace
