// Copyright (c) 2023, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   03 May 2023  Matthew Giannini Creation

using compiler

** JsNode
abstract class JsNode
  new make(CompileEsPlugin plugin, Node? node := null)
    this.plugin = plugin
    this.nodeRef = node

  CompileEsPlugin plugin { private set }
  Compiler c() { plugin.compiler }
  private Node? nodeRef

  virtual Node? node() { nodeRef }
  virtual Loc? loc() { node?.loc }
  static Loc? toLoc(Obj obj) { obj is Node ? ((Node)obj).loc : null }

  abstract Void write()

  JsWriter js() { plugin.js }

// Type Utils

  Bool isJsType(TypeDef def)
    // we inline closures directly, so no need to generate anonymous types
    if (def.isClosure) return false

    // TODO:FIXIT: do we still need this?
    if (def.qname.contains("\$Cvars"))
      echo("WARN: Cvar class: ${def.qname}")
      return false

    // check for @Js facet or if forced generation
    return def.hasFacet("sys::Js") || c.input.forceJs

  Bool checkJsSafety(CType ctype, Loc? loc)
    if (ctype is TypeRef) return checkJsSafety(ctype->t, loc)
    else if (ctype is NullableType) return checkJsSafety(ctype->root, loc)
    else if (ctype is ListType) return checkJsSafety(ctype->v, loc)
    else if (ctype is MapType)
      return checkJsSafety(ctype->k, loc) && checkJsSafety(ctype->v, loc)
    else if (ctype is FuncType)
      safe := true
      ft := (FuncType)ctype
      ft.params.each |param| { safe = safe && checkJsSafety(param, loc) }
      safe = safe && checkJsSafety(ft.ret, loc)
      return safe
    else if (!(ctype.pod.name == "sys" || ctype.isSynthetic || ctype.facet("sys::Js") != null || c.input.forceJs))
      warn("Type '${ctype.qname}' not available in JS", loc)
      return false
    return true

  CType resolveType(CType ctype)
    t := ctype is TypeRef ? ctype->t : ctype
    if (t is NullableType) t = t->root
    return t

// Method Utils

  ** generates '(p1, p2, ...pn)'
  Str methodParams(CParam[] params)
    buf := StrBuf().addChar('(')
    params.each |param, i|
      if (i > 0) buf.addChar(',')
    return buf.addChar(')').toStr

// Name Utils

  ** Get the module-qualified name for this CType. If the type is in the
  ** this pod, it does not need to be qualified
  Str qnameToJs(CType ctype)
    podName := ctype.pod.name
    thisPod := podName == plugin.pod.name
    js := thisPod ? ctype.name : "${plugin.podAlias(podName)}.${ctype.name}"

    // make it so java FFI calls parse in js runtimes
    // code will parse but fail if actually invoked
    if (js.contains(".[java].")) js = js.replace(".[java].", ".")
    else if (js.contains("[java]")) js = js.replace("[java]", "java.fail")

    return js

  ** Get the name that should be used for the generated field in JS code.
  ** A field is always private so we do not need to swizzle its name.
  static Str fieldToJs(Obj name)
    // if (name is Str) return "_${name}\$"
    if (name is Str) return "#${name}"
    if (name is Field) return fieldToJs(((Field)name).name)
    if (name is FieldDef) return fieldToJs(((FieldDef)name).name)
    throw ArgErr("${name} [${name.typeof}]")

  ** Get the name that should be used for the generated method in JS code.
  ** It turns out we don't need to swizzle method names.
  static Str methodToJs(Str name) { return name; }

  ** Return the JS identifier name to use for the given Fantom name.
  ** This should be used to get names for local variable declarations
  ** and method/func parameters.
  ** Note - use fieldJs for generating field names since we have a lot of special
  ** handling for fields
  ** Note - use methodJs for generating method names
  Str nameToJs(Str name) { pickleName(name, plugin.dependOnNames) }

  @NoDoc static Str pickleName(Str name, Obj? depends := null)
    name = reservedWords.get(name, name)
    if (depends != null)
      isDepends := false
      if (depends is Map) isDepends = ((Str:Bool)depends).get(name)
      else if (depends is List) isDepends = ((List)depends).contains(name)
      if (isDepends) name = "\$${name}"
    return name

  private static const Str:Str reservedWords
    m := Str:Str[:]
     "self",      // not a reserved word but used heavily by the compiler
     // "this",   // causes problems with code generation. needs deeper investigation, but should be safe since it is also Fantom keyword
     ].each |name| { m[name] = "${name}\$" }
     reservedWords = m.toImmutable

  ** return a unique id name
  Str uniqName(Str name := "u")

// Logging

  CompilerErr err(Str msg, Loc? loc := null) { plugin.err(msg, loc) }
  CompilerErr warn(Str msg, Loc? loc := null) { plugin.warn(msg, loc) }

// General Utils

  Bool isPrimitive(CType ctype) { pmap.get(ctype.qname, false) }
  const Str:Bool pmap :=
    "sys::Bool":    true,
    "sys::Decimal": true,
    "sys::Float":   true,
    "sys::Int":     true,
    "sys::Num":     true,
    "sys::Str":     true

  Void writeBlock(Block? block, |Stmt->Bool|? filter := null)
    if (block == null) return
    block.stmts.each |stmt| {
      if (filter?.call(stmt) ?: false) return

  Void writeStmt(Stmt? stmt)
    if (stmt == null) return
    JsStmt(plugin, stmt).write

  Void writeExpr(Expr? expr)
    if (expr == null) return
    switch (expr.id)
      // case ExprId.call:     JsCallExpr(plugin, expr).write
      // case ExprId.shortcut: JsShortcutExpr(plugin, expr).write
      default:              JsExpr(plugin, expr).write

  TypeDef? curType() { plugin.curType }
