// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 15 Nov 08 Brian Frank Creation
** ClassPath models a Java classpath to resolve package
** names to types. Since the standard Java APIs don't expose
** this, we have go thru a lot of pain.
class ClassPath
// Construction
** Get the classpath for the current Java runtime.
** The following are also searched when constructing the class path:
** - {fan}lib/java/ext
** - {fan}lib/java/ext/{plat}
** - Locations specified in the '-classpath' (as made available in
** the 'java.class.path' system property)
** - Any additional locations specified via the 'addCp' parameter
static ClassPath forRuntime(File[] addCp := File#.emptyList)
libs := ClassLib[,]
// Get libraries for the current runtime
if (Env.cur.javaVersion <= 8) libs.addAll(JarClassLib.findClassicLibs)
else libs.addAll(ModuleClassLib.findModuleLibs)
// {fan}lib/java/ext
// {fan}lib/java/ext/{plat}
addJars(libs, Env.cur.homeDir + `lib/java/ext/`)
addJars(libs, Env.cur.homeDir + `lib/java/ext/${Env.cur.platform}/`)
// -classpath
Env.cur.vars.get("java.class.path", "").split(File.pathSep[0]).each |Str path|
f := File.os(path)
if (f.exists) libs.add(JarClassLib(f))
// user-specified classpath
addCp.each |file| { libs.add(JarClassLib(file)) }
return ClassPath(libs)
private static Void addJars(ClassLib[] libs, File dir)
dir.list.each |f| { if (f.ext == "jar") libs.add(JarClassLib(f)) }
// Constructor
** Build the class path as the aggregate of all packages in the given
** class libraries.
private new make(ClassLib[] libs)
this.libs = libs
// Fields
** The class libraries
private ClassLib[] libs
** Load time duration
private Duration dur := Duration.defVal
// ClassPath
once Str:ClassPathPackage packages()
acc := Str:ClassPathPackage[:]
start := Duration.now
libs.each |lib|
lib.loadPackages.each |libPackage, packageName|
package := acc[packageName]
if (package == null) acc[packageName] = package = ClassPathPackage(packageName)
this.dur = Duration.now - start
return acc
This close()
libs.each |lib| { lib.close }
return this
** Return list of sources.
override Str toStr() { libs.toStr }
// Main
This dump(OutStream out := Env.cur.out)
out.printLine("--- ClassPath ---")
out.printLine("Packages Found:")
classes := 0
packages.vals.sort.each |p|
classes += p.classes.size
out.printLine(" $p [" + p.classes.size + "]")
out.printLine("ClassPath Files:")
libs.each |lib| { echo(" $lib") }
out.printLine("${dur.toLocale}, $libs.size sources, $packages.size packages, $classes classes")
return this
static Void main()