const class concurrent::ActorMsg
sys::Obj concurrent::ActorMsg
ActorMsg provides simple immutable tuple to use for actor messages.
- a
const Obj? a
Argument a
- b
const Obj? b
Argument b
- c
const Obj? c
Argument c
- d
const Obj? d
Argument d
- e
const Obj? e
Argument e
- equals
virtual override Bool equals(Obj? that)
Equality is based on id and arguments
- hash
virtual override Int hash()
Hash is based on id and arguments
- id
const Obj id
Message identifier key, typically string or enum
- make0
new make0(Obj id)
Constructor with zero arguments
- make1
Constructor with one argument
- make2
new make2(Obj id, Obj? a, Obj? b)
Constructor with two arguments
- make3
new make3(Obj id, Obj? a, Obj? b, Obj? c)
Constructor with three arguments
- make4
new make4(Obj id, Obj? a, Obj? b, Obj? c, Obj? d)
Constructor with four arguments
- make5
new make5(Obj id, Obj? a, Obj? b, Obj? c, Obj? d, Obj? e)
Constructor with five arguments
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
Return debug string representation