#! /usr/bin/env fan
// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 10 Sep 08 Brian Frank Creation
using gfx
using fwt
** Paint the desktop monitor configuration.
class DesktopDemo : Canvas
Void main()
it.title = "Desktop Demo"
it.size = Size(600,400)
DesktopDemo {},
override Void onPaint(Graphics g)
w := size.w
h := size.h
f := Font { it.name=Desktop.sysFont.name; it.size=14 }
// paint background white
g.font = f
g.brush = Color.white
g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h)
// paint desktop bounds in 1/10 scale
d := Desktop.bounds
g.translate( (w-(d.w-d.x)/10)/2, (h-(d.h-d.y)/10)/2 )
g.brush = Color.blue
g.pen = Pen { width = 5 }
g.drawRect(d.x/10, d.y/10, d.w/10, d.h/10)
g.pen = Pen { width = 1 }
// paint each monitor
mon := Monitor.list
mon.each |Monitor m, Int i|
g.brush = Color.red
r := m.screenBounds
g.fillRect(r.x/10, r.y/10, r.w/10, r.h/10)
g.brush = Color.yellow
r = m.bounds
g.fillRect(r.x/10, r.y/10, r.w/10, r.h/10)
r = m.screenBounds
g.brush = Color.black
g.drawRect(r.x/10, r.y/10, r.w/10, r.h/10)
g.brush = Color.black
name := i.toStr
if (m == Monitor.primary) name += "*"
g.drawText(name, r.x/10 + (r.w/10-f.width(name))/2, r.y/10 + (r.h/10-f.height)/2)