#! /usr/bin/env fan
// Copyright (c) 2010, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 1 Feb 10 Brian Frank Creation
using build
** Example of how to build a set of Fantom pods into a single Java JAR
class Build : BuildScript
@Target { help = "build fansh pod as a single JAR dist" }
Void distFansh()
dist := JarDist(this)
dist.outFile = `./fansh.jar`.toFile.normalize
dist.podNames = Str["compiler", "concurrent", "fansh"]
dist.mainMethod = "fansh::Main.main"
@Target { help = "build wisp pod as a single JAR dist" }
Void distWisp()
dist := JarDist(this)
dist.outFile = `./wisp.jar`.toFile.normalize
dist.podNames = Str["concurrent", "inet", "util", "web", "webmod", "wisp"]
dist.mainMethod = "wisp::WispService.main"
@Target { help = "build testSys pod as a single JAR dist" }
Void distTestSys()
dist := JarDist(this)
dist.outFile = `./testSys.jar`.toFile.normalize
dist.podNames = Str["concurrent", "testSys"]
dist.mainMethod = "[java]fanx.tools::Fant.fanMain"
@Target { help = "build FWT test app as JAR; must put swt.jar into classpath!" }
Void distFwtTest()
dist := JarDist(this)
dist.outFile = `./fwtTest.jar`.toFile.normalize
dist.podNames = Str["concurrent", "gfx", "fwt"]
dist.mainMethod = "fwt::FwtTestMain.main"
// test example:
// java -cp lib\java\ext\win32-x86_64\swt.jar;fwtTest.jar fanjardist.Main