// Copyright (c) 2011, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 3 May 11 Brian Frank Creation
** PodSpec models a specific pod version
** See [docFanr]`docFanr::Concepts#podSpec`.
const class PodSpec
// Construction
** Construct from a pod zip file
static PodSpec load(File file) { doLoad(file.in, file) }
** Construct from an InStream
static PodSpec read(InStream in) { doLoad(in, null) }
private static PodSpec doLoad(InStream in, File? src)
// open as zip file (use read so that we can use any
// file with input stream)
zip := Zip.read(in)
// find meta.props
File? meta := null
for (File? f; (f = zip.readNext) != null; )
if (f.uri == `/meta.props`) { meta = f; break }
if (meta == null) throw Err("Missing meta.props")
// parse meta into PodSpec
return make(meta.readProps, src)
finally zip.close
@NoDoc new make(Str:Str m, File? file)
this.name = getReq(m, "pod.name")
this.version = Version.fromStr(getReq(m, "pod.version"))
this.depends = parseDepends(m)
this.summary = getReq(m, "pod.summary")
this.toStr = "$name-$version"
this.meta = m
this.file = file
private static Str getReq(Str:Str m, Str n)
m[n] ?: throw Err("Missing '$n' in meta.props")
private static Depend[] parseDepends(Str:Str m)
s := getReq(m, "pod.depends").trim
if (s.isEmpty) return Depend#.emptyList
return s.split(';').map |tok->Depend| { Depend(tok) }
// Access
** Name of this pod
const Str name
** Version of this pod
const Version version
** List of dependencies for this pod
const Depend[] depends
** Summary string
const Str summary
** Metadata name/value pairs for this pod
const Str:Str meta
** Return pod file size in bytes or null if unknown
Int? size() { file?.size }
** Get the build timestamp or null if not available
DateTime? ts() { DateTime.fromStr((meta["build.ts"] ?: meta["build.time"]) ?: "", false) }
** If loaded from a local file
@NoDoc const File? file
** String format is "{name}-{version}"
override const Str toStr
** Hash code is based on name and version
override final Int hash() { toStr.hash }
** Equality is based on name and version
override final Bool equals(Obj? x) { x is PodSpec && toStr == x.toStr }
** Return true if this pod contains Fantom fcode
@NoDoc Bool containsCode()
fcode := meta["pod.fcode"] ?: "true"
return fcode != "false"